
stone bench in outdoor garden

The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him. (Habakkuk 2:20)

At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place.  (Luke 4:42a)

I’m very uncomfortable with silence. I need to have something on in my house at all times – either the tv or my iPod or even my white noise machine at night.

I had some LIFE STUFF happen this past weekend. I was upset which meant I spent time alternating between tears and prayers and doing something (anything) I could so I wouldn’t think too hard – until Monday morning.

I was wide awake by 4:30 am. I couldn’t sleep, every time I tried my brain started going. I finally gave up and went downstairs to make my coffee and have my morning time with God. After my reading and prayer time, I just sat in the silence of my house.

I had nothing more to say to God and for once my brain wasn’t going a mile a minute. I realized I was tired of the noise and trying to avoid the issue. It was time to be quiet and listen to what God had to say to me. I thought of the first reading above from Habakkuk. It had been on my mind since I walked into church the day before. One of the things I love most about old churches is the silence, the reverence. I wished in that moment on that early Monday morning that I could go to the church and sit in a pew and really focus on God and what I needed to hear.

I couldn’t do that, so I sat up on the couch and bowed my head and waited to hear what I needed to know.

And He spoke to me in that silence. I felt God’s love and grace right there and then in my living room. And I finally found some peace.

I knew I still had work to do, that the LIFE STUFF wasn’t fixed, but I felt so much better.

I thought about one of my favorite verses and the post I wrote about it last year – A Gentle Whisper.

I thought about the need to be silent to really hear God.

I thought about why I seem to keep running from Him and that silence.

I promised myself I’d find time to really sit and be silent with Him so I can hear His voice better.

My wish for all of you is that you find that peace as well. Today and every day.
