Simon called Peter

Orthodox icon of st. peter

Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, “It is the Lord,” he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards. (John 21:7-9)

I have admired the apostle Peter for a long time. He was brave, rash, and threw himself fully into everything he did. I found I could really relate to him because that’s how I am too. I love to read about the moment Peter realized Jesus (the newly back-from-the-dead Jesus) was standing on the shore and he couldn’t wait to see him. He jumped right into the water so he could get there as fast as possible!

But he wasn’t perfect. Peter denied Jesus when he was arrested.  We read in one of Paul’s letters that he caved to peer pressure and stopped hanging out with the uncircumcised & non-Kosher Gentiles. One of the gospels state that Peter is the one who cut off part of the ear of one of the men who came to arrest Jesus.

Peter was weak at times.

I find that I can relate to that side of Peter, too.

How many times have I been weak? How many times have I decided to follow the crowd instead of making waves? (hint: more times than I can count.) I take comfort knowing that Jesus forgives me every single time.

Reading about Peter and his relationship with Jesus makes me admire him even more. He was human. He made mistakes. He was weak at times. But through it all, Jesus loved him, knew he’d turn back to him, and welcomed him back with open arms.

What a blessing it is to know that Jesus will do the same for us.

Thank you, Jesus, for the reminder that you love us and accept us fully as we are. Help us all to embrace that joyful love and exuberance that Peter had for you. Help us throw ourselves into your love completely, because that is where we belong. Amen