When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created. (James 1:13 – 18)
It seems odd to talk about Satan and evil 4 days before Christmas.
But I have been meditating and doing my best to listen to God and what He is calling me to write about and this has been dogging me for the past few weeks. I knew it was time today.
In my post “Valley of the Shadow of Death“, I spoke about when the voice of the Devil whispered to me and almost drove me to suicide. I was overcome with feelings of worthlessness and felt the whole world would be better off if I was just….gone. I managed to fight it off by focusing on God and talking to Him until I found peace once again.
I fight that voice a lot. I felt worthless and useless and stupid and ugly from childhood on. And I still hear that voice even today.
What does the Devil whisper in your ear? How do you combat him?
What does the Devil whisper in other’s ears? Do they listen to those words of evil and fling that ugliness back at you?
Last week, a coworker informed me that someone is unhappy with my recent project to revamp our websites. They stated I was either malicious or just stupid.
It stung.
A lot.
This person couldn’t know that my whole life was consumed with being told I was less than. Others were better. Others were prettier. Others were smarter. I was fat and ugly and a waste of air. “The best part of me dribbled down my mother’s leg,” is what one person told me.
So when this coworker informed me of the harsh words that were spoken about me, it brought out those feelings of worthlessness once again. I managed to calm myself and understand that his words didn’t reflect on me – they showed me what kind of man he is.
Which opens up a bigger point for me and a reminder of how the devil works.
One of my favorite authors is Madeleine L’Engle. In her semi-biography, “A Circle of Quiet“, she talks about how other people can be mirrors – that they can reflect who we are back to us. The danger of allowing other people to be mirrors for us is that sometimes the reflection we see is more like a fun-house mirror instead of a true reflection. They can show a distorted view of who we are.
One of the most important things I had to learn in life is that the people who reflect ugliness to us are showing the ugliness in THEM. And when we believe the ugliness that they speak, we are hearing the devil and not God.
There is a fine line between someone reflecting truth and lies. There is always the need to sit back and reflect on the words of friends. If they tell me I am unkind, or naive, or hurting others, I should sit and think. I should talk to God and ask Him to show me if this is true. To show me how I need to change.
I have friends hurt me by stating ugly things. My task after they say those words has been to see if there is a truth to what they are saying and if so, to work to change that behavior.
But if their words do not ring of truth, if my meditation and talks with God show that the issue is with that other person and not with me then I can reject those hurtful words and see them for what they are – a person lashing out trying to hurt me because of the pain THEY are feeling.
Which brings us back to the devil. I don’t think he’s the ugly monster modern movies show him to be. I’m sure Satan appears as beautiful as a perfect summer’s day. That’s how we’re lured away from God. And we’re lured away with the best intentions. Evil doesn’t always look or feel evil. Evil can come in many forms. And knowing when we are hearing the voice of the devil can be tricky.
How can we know if we’re hearing God or the devil?
I can tell you what works for me: I have to be silent and be still. I have to focus on God. I read the Bible (usually 1 John and some Psalms). Then I can open my heart to knowing who I am hearing.
Taking it further: I cannot come before God without admitting my sins and asking for His forgiveness. My fella helped me see that. I have to come before God with humility and reverence. It isn’t until I tell God my sins that I can have a pure heart and be ready to hear His word and wishes for me.
That time with God is vital for my soul. That time with God is what keeps me safe. That time with God is what helps me realize when I’m listening to the devil. I cannot come before him with Satan around me.
This very morning I struggled to talk to God. I had something weighing me down. Once I talked about that with God I could finally breathe again and feel His light around me. I’ve been doing my best since then to keep that connection to God open.
I think that’s the only way to keep the devil at bay. And when we fall back into our sin? Confess that sin to God and ask for forgiveness. It’s only then that we can really hear God’s voice.
The Lord is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cry and saves them.
The Lord watches over all who love him,
but all the wicked he will destroy.
My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.
Let every creature praise his holy name
for ever and ever. (Psalm 145:18 – 21)
God – thank you. Thank you for reminding me that you are the way and the truth and the light. Thank you for helping me cast aside the evil that can surround me. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness. As we enter the celebration of Jesus’ birth, help me focus on you and the salvation that your son brought to us through his death. Help me keep the songs of praise for you in my heart because you are worthy of praise all day and every day. Amen.