
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

The image I’ve used for this post comes from one of my favorite places in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. It’s a trail called Plateau Trail, and the image is of a spot the locals call “The Chapel”. Every time I hike here, I take a picture of it because I love the majesty of it. And every single time I’m there, I thank God for that beautiful sight.

I feel a lot closer to God when I’m hiking. I don’t listen to music, I just breathe in deep and focus on the beauty around me. I think about the fact that God made all that I see. The trees, the birds, the squirrels, the moss, the leaves that have fallen – everything belongs to and comes from Him.

Like many of us, I still struggle to find God in the mundane part of my life. Where’s God when I’m washing laundry or washing dishes? Where is He when I’m vacuuming or cleaning the bathroom? He’s there, but it’s not as easy to find Him in those moments. Because it seems like He doesn’t belong there. But of course God is there! It sounds ridiculous but He is by my side even when I’m scrubbing the shower.

How could the God of love and mercy be with me when I’m doing chores? What kind of God does that? Our God, of course.

I struggle with that because it seems like it doesn’t make sense. But it doesn’t have to make sense. My viewpoint is the same as a child’s. I keep trying to fix God into little boxes. Many of us do.

God is unfathomable. God is greater and bigger that we could ever imagine. And we struggle to grasp that concept so we keep putting God into boxes. “God love these certain people”. No, God loves everyone. “God loves me when I do this.” No, God loves you all the time – He may be sad because of choices you make but He loves you completely. “God loves this country and not the other.” No, God doesn’t care about those distinctions. God loves all of us. No matter our complexion, our race, our gender identity, our sexual orientation – all those labels we put on each other – they don’t matter at all to God.

God loves us all. And in the mystery and unfathomable-ness of God, I know that I can rely on that. Even at my worst, God still loves me.

We cannot understand God – all we can do is love Him and rest in His love for us.

God, help me remember that you are greater than anything I can imagine. Help me focus on your great unfathomable love. Help me trust you and praise your name and rest in your glory. Amen.